Saturday, February 27, 2010

Chile struck 8.8 magnitude earthquake, tsunami warning throughout the Pacific

I was watching TV Patrol Sabado last night when the anchorman announced an incoming report that the ambassador of the the Philippines in Chile is safe from the devastating earthquake that struck the place. I never did mind at first because Chile has always been a quake -associated country but little did I know that it was the going to be the strongest earthquake to-date of the decade. I received a chain message via text afterwards about tsunami warning being imposed on the eastern coast of the archipelago for a possible tsunami impact due to the 8.8 magnitude earthquake off coast of Concepcion, Chile. So I'm really interested to see this, watched CNN till late night even I have my early morning shift at work.

It was explained and I think most of us know that Chile is part of the infamous Ring of Fire, unfortunate how the Philippines is also included. This is literally a ring area surrounding the Pacific Ocean where most active earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur, because the largest and most number of tectonic plates are situated here [photo]. Going back to Chile's quake, in comparison to Haiti's earthquake last January, this is considered 800 to 1000 times stronger. As explained in the news, 7.0 magnitude to 8.0 magnitude has a difference of 32 times strength. so 9.0 magnitude is not just 32 and another 32, but 32 x 32 strength..Now this earthquake generated massive tsunamis running north bound as well as through the west side of South America. Just like what happened in the May 22,1960 Chile quake, a massive tsunami not only struck it's coastline but also reached Hawaii and killed 61 people..even Japan with 140 people killed and our country killing 32 people. The 9.5 earthquake in Xhile was the strongest recorded of all times.

Early this morning when I woke up, I turned on the TV again and watched the news as people in Hawaii are already panic buying goods and necessities because they will be the ones whose gonna experienced the rumbling tsunami going west of Chile. It is estimated to hit the islands 11:00 local time (their time). Last night PHILVOCS also released via media about evacuation on areas eastern coat of the country (Eastern Samar, Surigao, Cagayan, Bicol area etc..most areas facing the Pacific ocean) for a possible tsunami impact right after Hawaii. Hawaii had already rang their emergency sirens throughout the island 6:00 AM local time to start the evacuation. I am a bit worried because my first cousins on my father side are there in Hawaii. We only met last year during our grand family reunion and they are living on that island. I hope they will be safe and sound after this. and hoping that tsunami won't reach us here in the Philippines.

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